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Mrs Evans- SENDCO (Currently on Maternity Leave and our Acting SENDCo is Mr Lonsdale)

My name is Mrs Evans and I am the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator for All Saints’ C of E Primary School.

I work with staff and families to make sure your child reaches their full potential and enjoys coming to our school. I help to find the right resources and teaching strategies, and work alongside external agencies to ensure children are receiving the very best care and support.

To demonstrate our commitment to working well with our parents, we have signed the Stockport Co-Production Pledge.

Our SEND Information Report offers information about how we work to achieve the very best for our pupils of SEND. I hope this is useful and answers lots of your questions, but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


Contact details – sendco@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk  or via the school office

SEND Information

Stockport SEND Local Offer - SEND Support from the Local Authority

The Local Offer was first introduced in the Green Paper (March 2011).  The Stockport SEND Local Offer provides advice, information and services to children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families.



Stockport Entitlement Framework

The local authority has worked with parents, early years settings, schools, colleges and a range of professionals to develop Stockport’s Entitlement Framework. This document helps teachers and school leaders at All Saints’ Primary to further improve how they support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and help parents to understand how the needs of their children should be met.

Please see Stockport Entitlement Framework PDF below.


SEND Information Report

In order to make our offer for All Saints’ Primary School accessible and user friendly, we have structured the information in our SEND information report around a set of Frequently Asked Questions – Please see Information Report PDF below. 


Information about the Stockport Outcomes Framework:



Information about Stockport's Co-production Charter:


Please also see the following PDF for further information. 



The Local Authority produce a SEND Newsletter on the last Friday of every month.  If you would like to sign up to recieve this please follow the link:- 


SEND Policies and Information


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