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Class One

Year 1 at All Saints’ is a wonderful transitional point for the children. It is a pleasure to be part of their journey that sees the children become eager and ready for the rest of their primary school adventure ahead. The children leave Reception where the principle of EYFS is learning through play and the children
link different elements of their learning. The move to Year 1 sees the children’s day as more structured with a distinct separation between play and learning and children’s learning is compartmentalised into clear subjects. The Year 1 team are dedicated to making the transition for the children from EYFS to
Year 1 as smooth and as comfortable as possible. During the Autumn term we try and run our lessons in a similar way to Reception – we have whole group carpet lessons, small group activities, provision linked through play. In Spring Term small group work continues but there is an expectation that children
will work more independently to complete Maths and English tasks. We value the importance and significance of children accessing learning through hands on experiences across all areas of the curriculum. By the beginning of the Summer Term we place a greater focus on whole class teaching, where all
children will be working on the same activity, although differentiated to their needs. We have a strong focus on ensuring by the end of the Summer Term, the children are ‘Year 2 Ready’.

Year 1 is a pivotal point for the children where we embrace and enjoy every day, with the aim of making coming to school a
happy and exciting experience for everyone.

For families of children already in our school please remember to regularly view Tapestry for our weekly shout outs and much more!

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