Class 5 Public community Blog
Friday 17th July

Friday 17th July (Mrs L Cochrane)

Hi everyone, my penultimate blog at All Saints'!  I hope you are all ok, has anyone done anything nice this week or got anything good planned for the weekend?  I've heard of a couple of camping trips happening and I'm very jealous! I LOVE CAMPING!  I will hopefully see a lot of you at the farewell hello meeting scheduled for Tuesday evening.  The class teams from year 5 and 6 are looking forward to seeing you all.

As usual I have updated the worksheet tasks on the website (WC 20.7.20) and you will have a selection of tasks set on the online learning platforms.  Please try to get onto TTRS the year 6s have been really committed to the competition and think they have the win in the bag!

This weeks Stats coming up:

Mathletics:  Well done to Ethan, Ava, Katie, Louie, Amelia, Soren, Bella and Isla who have all earnt over 1000 points on mathletics.

TTRS:  The tope of the table (at 9am this morning) is as follows:  Amelia with a staggering 10,397 with Jacob and Louie in second and third respectively.

Reading Eggpress:  Well done to Katie, AMelia and Bella for earning bronze trophies and Bella who has also earnt a silver!

Nessy:  Lois has amazed me with her dedication to Nessy during the lockdown.  To date she has spent an amaing 5903 minutes practising her spelling rules and patterns!  Amazing work Lois!  I might pop back especially in September to see your super spelling!

This is a recommendation from Miss Taylor.  Feel free to have a look at use how you feel most appropriate.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Cochrane